
Hello all, lately I’ve been a bit delinquent about updating this blog. That is for a few different reasons; First, My idea to take Math 333 (Differential Equations) over the summer, has turned into a lesson patience. Way too much homework for one class, and then the teacher won’t even grade the entire assignment 🙁… Continue reading Lately

Birthday Computer Parts!

Well as most of the readers of this blog know, my birthday is June 21. My lovely family decided to buy me a bunch of computer parts for my new PC!!! So stoked that I get to build this one from scratch exactly like I want. Thanks goes to my mom, grandparents, sister, and dad,… Continue reading Birthday Computer Parts!

Categorized as Code, School

Settling In

So the site has so far been a success, not sure if anyone has been keeping up on the updates and whatnot. But if you access the main site then you can click around and see the new code examples that I have posted, even with syntax highlighting via HTML and JavaScript. Thanks to Alex… Continue reading Settling In

Categorized as Code, School

Finally Getting Set Up

These last few months have been a whirlwind, new job, new school assignments, fun fun fun. Busy the whole way through. Somehow I managed to get this website up and running though. Welcome to the new I have revamped some things, check out the links, navigate the site, there is a pictures section and… Continue reading Finally Getting Set Up


These commercials have been getting my attention lately. Fight2Win.Org It is an organization started by Alese Coco and her Family, this girl was slightly younger than me when she go diagnosed with the EXACT same Hodgkins Lymphoma (Nodular Sclerosing Stage II). She has now passed on but her story really hit me hard since she… Continue reading Fight2Win


Thought this video was worth reposting, my buddy Richard posted it on Facebook. Enjoy! Some info here also for your enlightenment.


Here are some of the more visually appealing programming assignments I’ve been working on this semester. Traveling Salesman Problem – 15k Points in Germany In so many words, these two programs attempt to find a smaller path between a group of points, the one on the right uses the Smallest Insertion Heuristic and the left… Continue reading Programs

Categorized as Code