Treefort 2016 App Retrospective

In the past I have blogged about the Treefort 2015 Lineometer, well the Lineometer got such great reviews that I felt inspired, I felt like we could do more. So shortly after Treefort 2015, a group of friends and I reached out to the people who were working on the app last year and asked if they wanted… Continue reading Treefort 2016 App Retrospective

Categorized as Code, Music

Treefort 2015 Lineometer Retrospective

Well, we are now four days post-festival and we’re still basking in the awesomeness that was Treefort Music Fest 2015. After going over our numbers for the Treefort Lineometer, I gotta say I’m impressed. Every single person who contributed to this project is seriously a rockstar. We were featured as one of the best parts of the festival by David Greenwald… Continue reading Treefort 2015 Lineometer Retrospective

Categorized as Code, Music

Treefort 2015 Lineometer

Well folks, I’m writing this year just before Treefort Music Fest ’15 to announce the project that some of my righteous coworkers and I helped create…the Treefort Lineometer! Because I didn’t have much to do with the technical side of the app this year, I’ll just give an overview of the features, the major technologies we used, and… Continue reading Treefort 2015 Lineometer

Categorized as Code, Music

Treefort Musician Map v2.0

First things first, go HERE to see what this post is about. If you are interested in how I did this … keep reading. Note: Nobody from Treefort Music Fest knows I did this, I just did it for fun. Last year I made a heatmap to show the geographical layout of all the artists that would be… Continue reading Treefort Musician Map v2.0

Categorized as Code, Music


Another Friday night, contemplating some more LaTex fun. But just had a big math test today so I’ll probably take a night off. I’ve been thinking a lot about math today and lately, and I really have been growing an affinity for it. Not in the sense that I’m very good at it, but in… Continue reading Friday