The Next Stage

As for the next leg of my story it goes kinda like this.
On the Monday I get my diagnosis, after many more blood tests I get the schedule for the next week. How anyone is supposed to work/school or do anything is crazy to me.
Monday: Labs / Doctors Visit
Tuesday: Reproductive Health Clinic
Wednesday: Bone Marrow Biopsy / Blood Lab / BSU Registrar
Thursday: PET Scan / EchoCardioGram (ECG)
Friday: Install Port-o-Cath
After a weekend of painful healing from my port install I being chemo the following Monday. My first treatment, a bit of a scare as I had no idea what to expect but little did I know I would come to cherish the times in the oncology dept. Little did I know what the coming weeks would bring. At least I knew one thing, my schedule would slow down. Not so many tests, not so many visits. And I could really focus of getting through this, family and friends in tow.
The good news of the week though, I’M ONLY STAGE II out of IV

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